Keyboarding and Word Processing

In Keyboarding & Word Processing, we will be learning how to key (type). We will be learning about internet safety and and online ediquette. In our second quarter we will learn how to format memos, letters, tables, and reports. We will become familier with the Microsoft Word 2016 screen and start learning some of hte cool features offered like inserting pictures and changing the color of our font. We will learn how to open, save, relocate, and print documents. This class will help you with all of your other classes throughout your experience at Bailey middle school and on into high school and college.


We will be using these 2 websites primarily in our first quarter:

Edutyping  for out typing drills and early typing assignments.

Canvas - trough you school login page - for all other assignments, downloads and uploads, (mostly 2nd quarter). This is also where you will be able to link into my Kahoot games for quiz reviews.

"In teaching others we teach ourselves"  - Proverb