FBLA stands for Future Business Leaders of America. This club is offered to any students taking Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. That includes: Keyboarding, Introduction to Office Productivity, Office Productivity, Exploring Careers, Exploring Entrepreneurships, and our Project Lead the Way (PLTW) classes. This club focuses on leadership, competetive events, the Stock Market challenge, fund raisers,and community service projects. You will have the opportunity to continue with FBLA in your high school and college years.

Our club meets on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from arrival at school until 9:40 in room D10.

Currently we have our lollipop fundraiser from October 25-29, 2021. We wil be competing at the regional and state events.  Please e-mail me at teresa.lester@cms.k12.nc.us for further information.